cum, their adult heirs, or assigns, as the case may be,
CHAP. 24
within thirty days from the service of said notice, they
shall appoint upon their part another arbitrator to act in
conjunction with the arbitrator appointed upon the part
of said corporation, to ascertain and award the amount
of money laid out and expended by the said William
Krebs, Richard and William Linthicum, or their
legal representatives, in the construction of said
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That it shall be
Shall thereupon name arbitrator
the duty of the said William Krebs, Richard and Wil-
liam Linthicum, their executors, assigns or adult heirs,
within thirty days from the service upon them of the
aforesaid notice and requirement of the said corpora-
tion, to appoint and authorise in writing an arbitrator
to act for them, in conjunction with the arbitrator ap-
pointed and named upon the part of said corporation,
for the purpose hereinbefore mentioned, the award and
decision of said arbitrators under their hands and seals,
which shall by them be deposited in the clerks office of
Baltimore county court and filed by said clerk, shall
be final and conclusive, unless fraud in arbitrators be
proved, both upon the corporation aforesaid and upon
the said William Krebs, Richard and William Linthi-
cum, their heirs or assigns, as to the amount to be paid
by said corporation and received by the said William
Krebs, Richard and William Linthicum, their heirs or
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That in case the said ar-
bitrators, to be chosen as aforesaid, shall differ and be
unable to agree upon the award by them required by
this act to be made, it shall and may be lawful for the
aforesaid arbitrators to call in or appoint a third arbi-
trator, the award of any two of whom shall be equally
binding and obligatory upon all parties concerned, as
if made and returned as aforesaid by the two arbitra-
tors who might have been appointed and selected as
herein before provided.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That in case the said
Case of neglect to
William Krebs, Richard and William Linthicum, their
name arbitrator
assigns or adult heirs, shall refuse or neglect within
thirty days from the service upon them of notice and