CHAP. 24.
AM, act to authorise William Krebs, Richard Linthicum
Passed Jan. 27, 1836
and William Linthicum to build a, bridge over Gwynn' s
falls, at or near where the present bridge stands,
known by the name of the long bridge.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
Authority granted
of Maryland, That William Krebs, Richard and
William Linthicum, their heirs and assigns or other
legal representatives, he and they are hereby authoris-
ed and empowered to build a bridge at their own pro-
per cost and expense, over the middle branch of the
Patapsco, called Gwynn's falls, and also from a point
of land of James Carroll to a point of land on the op-
posite shore of Thomas H. Carroll, as near as possible
to the present old bridge, the said bridge to be built on
Direction where and how
piles and of good and substantial materials, with a rail-
ing on each side thereof, and also to straighten and im-
prove the road leading from said bridge to Sweetser's
bridge on the Patapsco river.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the property of
Property vested
said bridge, when built, shall be vested in William
Krebs, Richard Linthicum and William Linthicum,
their heirs and assigns or other legal representatives,
who shall fix gates and demand and receive tolls for the
passage of said bridge, not exceeding the following
rates, viz: — for every foot passenger one cent, for
Rate of tolls
every horse and rider three cents, for every carriage
and four horses twelve and a half cents, for every car-
riage and two horses ten cents, for every carriage and
one horse six and a quarter cents, for every horse in
gear three cents, for every head of horse, mule or oxen
two cents, for every head of sheep or swine, et cetera
one cent, and the said bridge and the landing therefor,
and the said road, it is hereby declared, shall, subject
to the right of taking tolls as aforesaid, be forever
Public high way
public highways.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That William Krebs,
May sell the bridge;
Richard Linthicum and William Linthicum, their heirs
and assigns or other legal representatives, shall have
full power and authority, if they think proper, to sell