SEC. 6...Anrf be it enacted, That the affairs of the
said corporation shall be conducted by nine directors,
CHAP. 177
one of whom shall be chosen president, and as soon as
subscriptions shall have been received, for five thou-
sand shares of said capital stock, the persons herein
before named, or a majority of them, shall choose one
of their number to be president, and thereafter they
shall proceed and continue to act as the first president
First named au-
and directors of said corporation, and be capable of
serving in said capacity until the expiration of the first
Monday of May, in the year eighteen hundred and
thirty seven, and until successors shall he chosen, and
nine directors shall be elected on the first Monday of
Annual elections
May, in said year, and on the same day in each suc-
ceeding year thereafter: and at their first meeting after
each election, as aforesaid, the directors shall proceed
to appoint a president from their own number, who
with the directors so elected shall be capable to dis-
charge their respective duties for one year, and until
successors shall be chosen, and in case it should at any ,
Case of neglect
time so happen that the election of directors or appoint-
ment of a president for said corporation, should not be
made, so as to take effect at any period, or on any day
when in pursuance of this act, the same should take ef-
fect, the corporation shall not for that cause he deem-
ed dissolved, hut it shall be lawful at any time within
thirty days thereafter, to make such an election or ap-
pointment in such manner as is provided by this act,
or as shall be provided by the ordinances of the corpo-
ration, and in case of a vacancy occurring from any
cause, in the presidency or the directory of said cor-
poration, such vacancy shall be filled by the directors
for the time being.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president and
Appointment of officers &c.
directors for the time being shall have power to appoint
a secretary and such other officers, clerks a [ ]
other persons, as shall be necessary for conducting and
executing the business of the said corporation, and to
allow and pay them, and the president, such compen-
sation for their services respectively, as shall he deem-
ed reasonable.