unless it shall hereafter be found and deemed by two
CHAP. 177.
thirds of the stockholders thereof to be insufficient for
the purposes of said corporation, in which case they
shall have power from time to time to increase the
same by disposing of as many additional shares as may
be deemed necessary, not exceeding ten thousand.
Notice required
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That five dollars shall
be paid on each share, at the time of subscribing, and
at the expiration of sixty days, a further instalment of
five dollars shall be paid on each share of said stock,
and that the remaining forty dollars due on each share
shall be called in and paid in such instalments as the
president and directors of this corporation may direct:
provided, that not more than ten dollars on each share
may be demanded in any month, and that the whole
amount of fifty dollars on each share of the original
and increased stock be paid up within two years from
the time of subscribing for the same, or the disposal
thereof by said corporation, and provided also, that at
least sixty day's notice he given in the daily newspa-
pers printed in the city of Baltimore, and in such other
newspapers as may be printed in the counties of the
State, in which subscribers to the said corporation may
reside, of the time appointed for paying the same.
Forfeiture in case of neglect to pay
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors, or. a majority of them shall have full power,
after giving at least thirty day's notice, by advertise-
ment, inserted at least in two newspapers in Baltimore,
to forfeit and dispose of, for the use of the corporation,
any share or shares of stock upon which one or more
instalments shall be due and unpaid, unless the instal-
ment or instalments so due with interest thereon from
time to time, when the same shall have been made pay-
able, shall bo paid before the day limited in such no-
tice, or the owner of such stock may be compelled by
action, to pay all such instalments and interest; provid-
ed, that no forfeiture of any such stock shall so operate
as to release any stockholder from any such instal-
ment, or from any future instalment, until the said
corporation shall have received the full amount of fifty
dollars upon each share so forfeited.