CHAP. 177,
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
this corporation shall be transferable only on the books
thereof, and in such manner as the president and direc-
tors shall direct.
Votes graduated— Vallots
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That in the election of
directors, the stockholders shall vote by ballot; and in
such elections, and upon all questions in the general
meetings of the stockholders, the ratio of votes shall
he as follows, to wit: a stockholder having five shares
or less, one vote; or six, and not more than nine, two
votes; or ten, and not more than fourteen, four votes;
or fifteen, and not more than nineteen, six votes; or
twenty, and not more than twenty-four, eight votes;
twenty-five, and not more than twenty-nine, ten votes;
or thirty, and not more than thirty-four, twelve votes,
or thirty-five, and not more than thirty-nine, fourteen
votes; or forty, and not more than forty-four, sixteen
votes; or forty-five and not more than forty-nine, eigh-
teen votes; or fifty and upwards, twenty votes; and
no stockholder shall he entitled in his own right, or as a
proxy, to a greater number than twenty votes, nor
shall any stockholder vote at any election for direct-
ors, unless the share or shares in which lie or she may
claim to vote, shall have been. standing in his or her
name on the hooks of the said corporation four months
previous to such election; and stockholders actually
resident within, the United States, and none others
may vote at elections or in general meetings, by proxy.
Authorised to in-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors shall he, and they are hereby authorised to
make all kinds of insurance against fire, and general-
ly to transact and perform all business relative to the
Invest capital
objects aforesaid, and also to invest the capital and
funds of the corporation from time to time, in the pub-
lic debt of the United States, or of the debt of this State
or of the corporation of the city of Baltimore, or the
stocks of any corporation of this State, and to dispose
of the money and property of the company in such law-
ful manner, as to them shall appear most advantageous
to the corporation.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors shall declare dividends of the profits of the