subscriptions to the capital stock of said company, at
CHAP. 177.
such times, in the city of Baltimore, and such other
places, as they may designate, for the purpose of re-
ceiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said com-
pany, after giving at least two weeks notice through
the daily newspapers published in the city of Haiti-
more, as also in one of the newspapers of such other
places in which they shall cause books to be opened,
of the time awl place, for receiving the same, and if
Case of excess of subscription
more than ten thousand shares shall be subscribed to
the capital stock of said company while the said hooks
are open, the said commissioners or a majority of them
shall reduce the subscription to ten thousand shares, by
striking off from the largest number of shares in suc-
cession until the subscriptions are reduced to ten thou-
sand shares, or all the subscriptions to one share; and
if there still he an excess, then lots shall be drawn by
the commissioners to determine who are to be exclud-
ed of the persons so subscribing, and in case any sub-
scriber shall have paid a greater sum of money at the
time of subscribing than at the rate of Five dollars per
share, on the shares so apportioned, the commissioners
shall only retain the sum required as the first payment
on these shares, and forthwith return the surplus on
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the. subscribers to
Corporation crea-
the stock of the aforesaid company and their assignees,
shall be, and they are hereby declared to he a body po-
litic and corporate, by the name and style of the pre-
sident and directors of the Phoenix Fire Insurance
Company of Baltimore, and by that name shall be ca-
Powers granted
pable in law, to sue and be sued, plead and be implead-
ed, answer and be answered, defend and be defended,
in all courts of law or equity, or elsewhere, and to
make and use a common seal, and the same to alter
and renew at their pleasure, and generally to do and per-
form all things relative to the objects of said corpora-
tion which it shall be lawful for any individual or bo-
dy politic to do.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the capital steel
Capital stock-
of said company shall be divided into shares of fifty
dollars each, and shall not exceed ten thousand shares