force to the last Monday of December next, and to the
CHAP. 174.
end of the session of the General Assembly thereafter
Provided however, that this act shall not extend to any
acts or parts of acts, which shall have been repealed,
or in any wise, modified at the present session of the
General Assembly.
An act to authorize the Levy Court of Frederick Coun-
Passed Mar.22, 1836
ty, in their discretion to purchase the Bridge over the
River Monocacy, on the Public Road leading from
Frederick City to George Town und Washington
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Authority to pur-chase
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act
it shall and may be lawful for the Judges of the Levy
Court of Frederick county in their discretion, should
they be of opinion that the interests of the county will
be promoted, and the present rate of taxes not in-
creased, to purchase upon the best terms upon which
they can agree from the president of the Farmer and
Mechanics Bank of Frederick county, President of
the Frederick county Bank, and the stock holders of
the Frederick and Washington Turnpike Road Com-
pany, the Bridge over the River Monocacy, on the
Public Road leading from Frederick city to George
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That if the said Judges :
Levy authorised
of the Levy Court aforesaid, shall agree to purchase
the said Bridge, over the Monocacy River as aforesaid,
from the owners thereof, and the said owners shall
convey all their right, title and interest, in and to the
within named bridge to the said Levy Court, for the
use of Frederick county, then the said Levy Court
shall levy and assess upon the assessable property in
said county, a sufficient sum of money to complete the
contract as aforesaid.