which account shall contain the specific items charged,
CHAP. 173
with an affidavit annexed thereto that he hath not, nor
hath any other person or persons, acting under him
whilst Sheriff, nor since, recorded any part thereof or
satisfaction for the same to the best of his knowledge
and belief; Provided, that if any person against whom
the said Benjamin G. Cole shall have a claim as afore-
said, shall produce a receipt or make affidavit before
any justice of the peace of said county, that he or she
believes the same to be unjust, or that the same had
Accounts in bar
been paid at any previous time, it shall forever bar
such claim.
Passed Mar. 22,1836
An act to authorise George A. Diggs, to bring into this
State, a negro slave.
Permission granted
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act it shall and
may he lawful for George A. Diggs, of Prince George's
county, in this State, to bring into the said State a ne-
gro woman, Kitty, a slave for life; Provided, the said
George A. Diggs shall in all respects comply with the
provisions of the fourth section of an act passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one,
chapter three hundred and twenty-one, and also with
the provisions of an act passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and twenty-three, chapter eighty-
Passed Mar.22, 1836
An act to continue in force the acts of Assembly which
would expire with the present session of the General
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Expiring acts con-tinued
That all such acts or parts of acts, as would expire
with the present session of the General Assembly, be
and the same are hereby re-enacted and continued in