pense of the said advertisement to be paid by the par-
ty or parties applying for the passage of this ordi-
CHAP. 171.
nance, at the same time notifying all persons interes-
ted to make their objections, if any they have to the
passage of said ordinance, on or before some day to
be fixed by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore;
Provided, that in as much as the owners of property
on Chatsworth street, north of Saratoga street, did
open that part of said street at their own expense
therefore they are hereby exempted from contributing
to the opening hereinbefore authorised; Provided fur-
ther, that the opening herein authorised shall be done
in conformity to the lines of the plat of the city, with
only such variations as existing improvements may
make necessary for the public good.
An act for the relief of Benjamin G. Cole, former
Passed Mar.22, 1836
Sheriff of Saint Mary's county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Authority to col-
Maryland, That Benjamin G. Cole, former Sheriff of
Saint Mary's county, he and he is hereby authorised
to collect until the first day of January, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-seven, all fines and forfeitures, amercia-
ments, officers' fees, or public dues which were placed
in his hands for collection, and all legal fees made by
him while Sheriff, or that he was entitled to by virtue
of said office of Sheriff, and which have not been col-
lected in the same manner as he could or might have
done within the time limited by law.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Benja-
Specific accounts
min G. Cole, before he shall proceed to execute the
body or property of any person or persons, for fines,
forfeitures, amerciaments, officers fees or public dues,
by the authority of this act, shall deliver or cause to
be delivered to such person or persons chargeable with
the same, or left at their places of abode, at least thirty
days previous to serving or levying such execution, an
account of the sum demanded of him, her or them,