the second collection district of Baltimore county, be
CHAP. 170
and he is hereby authorised and empowered to collect
any taxes or balances of taxes now remaining due to,
and uncollccted by him, in the district aforesaid, in the
same manner and with the same power and privileges
as are allowed by the existing laws in said cases made
and provided.
Affidavits required
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid Samuel
Jordan shall, in every instance before he may proceed
to the" aforesaid collection, make affidavit before some
justice of the peace of said county, that the same re-
main unpaid, and that he hath not received any securi-
ty or satisfaction for the same, or any part reof,
more than what credits may be allowed thereon.
Limit 1 year
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall not
continue in force longer than one year from the date of
the passage thereof.
Passed Feb. 29,1836
An act relating to Chatsworth street in the City of Bal-
Authority to open,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor and City Council of Bal-
timore, be, and they are hereby authorized to open
and pave that part of Chatsworth street in the city of
Baltimore, lying between Saratoga and Lexington
streets; provided, that the same proceedings shall be
had thereon as if there had been an application from
the persons or any part of the persons interested in
the property that may be taken for that purpose.
Ratification required
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the provisions of
this act shall be of no force or effect unless the same
shall be approved by the Mayor and City Council of
Advertisement required
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, before they finally pass
upon the acceptance of this act shall first cause an
advertisement to be published for one week in the
daily newspapers of the city of Baltimore, the ex-