Hollingsworth, be, and the same is hereby declared
CHAP. 169.
Hull and void, and that the said Martha A. Kelso, and
Parkin Hollingsworth, be, and they are hereby declar-
ed to be, divorced, a vinculo matrimoniii.
An act to divorce Manaen B. Denson, of t/ie City of
Passed Mar.1 3,1836
Baltimore, from his wife Theresa Ann Denson.
Re it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Manaen B. Denson, be, and he is hereby divorced
from his wife Theresa Ann Denson, and the marriage
heretofore had and solemnized between them, is here-
by declared to be null and void, and the saidp arties
are hereby divorced a vinculo matrinonnii.
An act to authorise and empower persons owning Real
Passed Mar.22,1836
Estate on any of the navigable waters of this State,
to construct wharves thereon.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Authority granted
That it shall and may be lawful for any person owning
real estate in fee simple on any of the navigable wa-
ters of this State to construct wharves thereon and
extend the same, such a distance into the stream as
may he required to admit of the safe approach thereto
of any vessel navigating said water; Provided, said
wharves be not extended so as to interfere with the
fishing or navigation of said waters.
An act to authorise Samuel Jordan, former Collector of
Passed Mar.22, 1836
Taxes, in the second collection district, in Baltimore
county, to complete his Collections.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Authority to collect
Maryland, That Samuel Jordan, former Collector of