CHAP, 166.
the levy court shall have full power and authority to
supply such vacancy or vacancies; provided, that such
commissioners so appointed, shall give bond as provided
in the fourth Section of this act, before he shall proceed
in the execution of the trust hereby reposed in him.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That each of the said
commissioners shall receive such compensation as the
levy, court of said county shall consider justly due for
their respective services, whilst engaged in contract-
ing for, and superintending the erection and completion
of the said building.
Passed Mar.22,1835
A further additional supplement to the act, entitled, an
act for quieting possessions, enrolling conveyances
and securing the estates of purchasers.
Deeds confirmed
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all deeds or instruments of writing which have
been taken, executed and acknowledged within this
State since the seventeenth day of February eighteen
hundred and thirty-two, which may not have been
signed and sealed by any feme covert, intitled to
dower, as required by the act of December session
eighteen hundred and thirty, chapter one hundred and
sixty-four, be and the same are hereby confirmed, and
made valid to all intents and purposes; Provided, that
in all other respects, the act entitled, an act for quiet-
ing possessions and enrolling conveyances and secur-
ing the estates of purchasers and the several supple-
ments thereto have been complied with.
An. act to divorce Martha A. Kelso, of Baltimore County, from her husband Parkin Hollingsworth.
it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the marriage heretofore solemnized between
Kelso of Baltimore county, and Parkin