Several supplements, and to have and hold the same
unto the said purchaser or purchasers, their heirs, or
CHAP. 157.
Successors, or assigns, in as full and ample manner
as they were had, held, used, and enjoyed by the said
company, and that the person or persons corporate, or
corporate bodies, who may or shall become such pur-
chaser or purchasers, their heirs, successors, or as-
signs, shall be subject to and perform all and every the
duty and duties, and obligations imposed upon and
required of the water company, by the said act of
Assembly, and its several supplements.
An act relating to the Alms House of Harford county.
Passed Mar.15, 1836
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Levy 500 dollars
That the commissioners of Harford county, be and they
are hereby directed to levy and raise five hundred dol-
lars, to be paid to the trustees of the poor of said
county, and by them applied to the payment of the
balance due on the purchase of the Alms House Farm.
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act for the re-valua-
Passed Mar.18,1836
tion of the real and personal property in Frederick
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Compensation of clerk of com. of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this law,
that in every case where the compensation is fixed and
allowed, by the commissioners of the tax to their clerk,
in said county, that that allowance shall be final, and the
levy court shall place the same on the assessment of
the county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the word, extra,
"Extra." &c. repealed
in the first line of the third section of the original act,
to which this is a supplement, passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, chapter
twenty-two, shall be void and of non-effect.