CHAP. 155.
be so construed as to give to the members of said lodge,
any right or title to any other part of the said market
house and premises, except the room or rooms erected
by them.
Right of inspection
&c. reserved
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be
lawful at any time for the General Asseinby to demand
a statement of the amount of property, real and person-
al, belonging to the said corporation, and of the debts
due to and from the said corporation, and the purposes
for which disbursements shall have been made, and
shall also have the right to authorise one or more per-
sons to inspect such general accounts in the books of
the corporation, as shall relate to such statement.
Right to alter or annul reserved
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the General Assem-
bly of Maryland reserves the right to change, alter or
annul this act of incorporation at any session hereaf-
Passed Mar. 15,1836
Am act for the benefit of the person or persons who may
or shall become the purchaser or purchasers of the
property of the Frederick Water Company,
WHEREAS, it is represented that the works and
property of the said company are about to be sold by
the sheriff of Frederick county, and that the conve-
nience, comfort and health of the citizens of Frederick
would be preserved, by the maintainance of the works
and property of the said Water Company in their
present condition: — Therefore.
Right of purchaser confirmed
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That any person or persons, corporation or corporate
bodies, who may or shall become the purchaser or
purchasers of all the works and property of the Fred-
erick Water Company, shall be entitled to, and shall
have and enjoy all the rights, privileges, powers and
immunities, which were had, held, used and enjoyed,
by the said Frederick Water Company, by virtue of
the act of Assembly, entitled, an act to introduce
wholesome water into the city of Frederick, and its