body politic shall not at any time hold or possess pro-
CHAP. 154.
perty, real, personal or mixed, exceeding in value, the
Property limited
sum of five thousand dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corpora-
Legal capacity
tion and their successors, by the name and title afore-
said, shall be forever hereafter capable in law, to sue
and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be
answered unto, defend and be defended, in all or any
courts of justice, and before all and any judges, officers
or persons whatsoever, in all and singular actions,
matters or demands whatever.
SEC. 3. A?td be it enacted, That it shall and may be
lawful for the said corporation to h aye a common seal
for their use, and the same at their will and pleasure
to change, alter and make anew, from time to time, as
they may think best, and shall in general have and ex-
General powers
ercise all such rights, privileges and immunities, ps
by law are incident or necessary, to corporations of
this character, and what may be necessary to the cor-
poration herein constituted; and to enable the members
of said order to exercise all things concerning the de-
sign of this corporation, for the benevolent relief of
Objects defined
the sick and distressed, and for the promotion of their
purposes generally; provided, that nothing herein con-
Banking forbid
tained, shall be deemed or taken to confer banking pri-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall and may
May build a room
be lawful for the present members of said lodge, or
their successors, by and with the consent and appro-
bation of the commissioners of the town of Centreville,
to erect and build over the market house, in said town,
a room or rooms, to be occupied and used as a lodge
room or rooms, and that the members of said lodge,
Title vested
and their successors shall for ever hereafter, hold, pos-
sess and enjoy, the said room or rooms erected by
them over the said market house, without any let, hin-
drance, molestation or disturbance of the present com-
missioners of Centreville, their successors in office, or
of any other person or persons whatsoever, in as full
and ample a manner as if the ground on which the said
room or rooms are erected, belong to them in fee sim-
ple; provided nevertheless, that nothing in this act shall