bridge and shall award to the owners of lands on
CHAP. 152
which said bridge shall be built, such damages as in
their opinion said owners of lands shall sustain, taking
into consideration the advantages and disadvantages
thereof, and shall adopt a plan according to which said
bridge shall be constructed and of such materials as
they may think best.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
Notice required
of the levy court of said county to give four weeks
notice in at least two newspapers printed in Frederick
Town, for proposals for building said bridge.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said judges of
the levy court are hereby authorised to contract with
Sny person or persons to build said bridge, and to take
bond or bonds with sufficient security from any person
or persons contracting as aforesaid, for the faithful
performance of their contract.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That when said bridge is
Free bridge
finished it shall be A free bridge for all persons to pass
and repass.-
An act to authorise the extension of a street in the vil-
Passed Mar. 12, 1836
lage of Fort Deposite, Cecil county, and td connect
the same with the public road.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assem-
bly by the petition of sundry inhabitants of the village
6f Port Deposite, Cecil county, that the commissioners
of said village have laid out a street thirty-three feet
wide, about two" hundred feet from, and nearly parallel
with Water street, communicating with the public road,
with the exception of about forty feet of broken ground
in a run, and that in their opinion it will be necessary
to build a bridge over said run to complete and render
useful the said street, — Therefore:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas Patten, George Gale and
George A. Thomas, be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners, and they, or a majority of them, are