CHAP. 151.
Passed Mar. 16,1836
An act for the relief of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church, at Frederick City, in Frederick county.
Sales confirmed
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all sales heretofore made by the
councils of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fred-
erick city, of grounds, &c. belonging to said Church,
be, and they are hereby confirmed and ratified.
Authorised to sell and convey
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the present and
future councils, legally appointed by said Church,
shall when two thirds of the council elected or ap-
pointed as aforesaid, shall deem it necessary and to
the advantage of the Church aforesaid, have power to
sell any property, and to make a good and sufficient
deed of conveyance to the purchaser or purchasers,
Passed Mar.18; 1836
An act to authorise the Levy Court of Frederick Coun-
ty, to erect a Bridge over the river Monocacy, near
Kemp and Buckey' s Mill, on the public road leading
through Buck's Town and Urbanna, to New-Market.
Levy or loan of $10,000 authori-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
sed. &c.
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act
the Levy Court of Frederick county, be, and they are
hereby authorised and empowered in their discretion
to obtain by loan or by a levy on the assessable pro-
perty in said county, a sufficient sum of money, not
exceeding ten thousand dollars, to build a substantial
Bridge over the river Monocacy, near Kemp and
Buckey's Mill, on the public road leading through
Buckey's Town and Urbanna to New Market; Provid-
ed, the said Judges of the Levy Court, shall not levy
more than two thousand dollars in any one year for
the purpose of building said bridge.
Scite— damages— construction
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Judges of the
levy court of said county, shall fix upon a scite for said