CHAP. 147.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said road when
opened, cleared and made good, shall be submitted to
Road to be review-ed
the view and inspection of the commissioners hereby
and herein appointed, or a majority of them, who upon
viewing and examining the said road, and finding the
same finished and completed, agreeably to the provis-
ions, true intent and meaning of this act, shall give a
certificate thereof, to he returned to the clerk of Cecil
county court, to be there recorded, and shall forever
thereafter he deemed and taken as a public highway,
and kept in repair in the same manner as other public
roads are jn the said county.
Authority to levy
SEC. 4, And be it enacted, That the county commis-
sioners are hereby authorised and empowered at their
discretion to levy such sum or sums of money to and
for the use of the said contractor or contractors, in
such instalments and payable in such manner as they
shall or may direct, for the purposes aforesaid, and
levy to and for the use of each of the said commission-
ers the sum of two dollars, for each and every day
that they may be employed on such commission.
Passed Mar. 16,1836
An act to valid certain Proceedings therein mentioned.
WHEREAS, Abel S. Greenwell, was on the eighth
day of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-five,
duly appointed constable for the third election district
of St. Mary's county, by two Justices of the Peace,
during the recess of the Levy Court of said county,
And whereas, the said Abel S. Greenwell did on the
same day execute a bond with security for the faithful
performance of his duty as constable, which #aid bond
was on the twenty-first day of September, eighteen
hundred and thirty-five, received and recorded by the
clerk of said county, but without the endorsement
thereon by the said clerk; that the securities were ap-
proved, agreeably to the act of Assembly passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-four
chapter ten, entitled, a supplement to an act, entitled,