CHAP. 145.
King's creek, in said county, is in a bad condition, and
pray that alaw may pass to condemn a parcel of ground
for the purpose of keeping the same in repair, — There-
Commissioners to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
locate causeway, &c.
Maryland, That the Commissioners for Talbot county,
be and they are hereby authorised, if they should deem
it expedient so to do, to appoint three commissioners,
whose duty it shall be to survey, locate and condemn
such quantity of ground as they may deem necessary,
on either side of the bridge, for the use and benefit Of
said county to keep said causeway in good repair; Pro-
vided, the said quantity of ground as aforesaid, sur-
veyed, located and condemned, shall not interfere with
or effect the yards, gardens, orchards or buildings of
any person, without the consent of the owner or owners
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners shall cause to be made out a plat of the ground
as aforesaid, surveyed, located and condemned, to be
lodged in the clerk's office of Talbot county, there to
be recorded and remain in perpetual testimony of the
aforesaid survey, location and condemnation.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, shall value and assess
the damages sustained by any person or persons whose
land may be effected by the aforesaid survey, location
and condemnation, and the damages so as aforesaid
assessed, together with all the necessary expenses, shall
be returned by the said commissioners, to the commis-
sioners for Talbot county, to be by them levied on the
taxable inhabitants of said county.
Levy directed
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
for Talbot county, be and they are hereby authorised
and required to levy, upon the taxable inhabitants of
said county, the amount of expences incurred under
this law, and the same to pay over to the person or
persons entitled thereto.