county, and their successors forever, duly appointed or
CHAP. 145.
to be appointed by law, or in conformity with the rules
and regulations of said church in the circuit aforesaid,
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to
purchase, receive and hold a lot or parcel of ground
in the town of Snowhill, in said county, in the circuit
aforesaid, to be held in trust for the use and benefit of
In trust
said church, in said circuit, as a parsonage.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all vacancies which
may hereafter happen in the board of Stewards or
Trustees, named in this act, shall be filled in the same
manner as vacancies of the Stewards are now filled in
said church and circuit aforesaid.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That from and after the
Deed confirmed
passage of this act any deed or conveyance, which may
have been made previous to the passage of this act, to
the said Edward Dymock, Jesse Long, George Hudson,
Justus M. Bratton, John Sturgis, junior, and Parker
Bowen, Stewards of the Methodist Episcopal Church
in and for Snowhill circuit, in Worcester county, and
to their successors forever, for any lot or parcel of
ground in the town of Snowhill, on the circuit afore-
said, to be by them held in trust for the benefit, use
and purposes mentioned in the first section of this act,
be and the same is hereby made valid and as effectual,
in law, as if the same had been made by virtue of and
in conformity to the provisions and requirements of
this act.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the property held
Exempt from taxa-tion
or intended to be held, under the provisions of this act,
shall be and the same is hereby exempt from taxation
as other church property is now by law exempted.