CHAP. 86.
Passed Jan 23,1832
An act for the preservation and repair of that part of the
United States Road, within the limits of the State of Ma-
WHEREAS, that part of the United States Road, lying
within the limits of the state of Maryland, is in many parts
in bad condition for want of repairs, and as a large propor-
tion of the people of this state are interested in said road,
and its preservation — Therefore,
conditionally to be
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly oj Ma-
ryland, That as soon as the consent of the government of the
United States shall have been obtained as hereinafter provid-
ed, that part of the United States road commonly called the
National Road, within the limits of the state of Maryland,
shall be taken under the care of the state of Maryland, and
the governor and council of the state shall be, and they are
hereby authorised to appoint a superintendent of that part
of said road lying within the limits of this state; who shall
His duties— Resi-
dence &ce.
hold his office for three years from the date of his commis-
sion, and who shall at the time of his appointment, and dur-
ing his continuance in office, reside in Allegany county,
whose duty it shall be to exercise all reasonable vigilance
and diligence in the care thereof which superintendent after
his appointment shall have full power and authority to build
toll houses, and erect toll gates at suitable distances: Pro-
vided, the number of gates aforesaid, shall not exceed two
on the whole distance within the limits of this state.
Erect gates and
toll houses.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That for the purposes of keep-
ing so much of the said road in repair as lies within the limits
of the state of Maryland, and paying the expenses of col-
lection and other incidental expenses, the superintendent
shall cause to be erected on so much of the said road as lies
within the limits of this state, a gate or gates, a toll house
or toll houses, not exceeding two, of each; and that as soon
as said gates and toll houses shall be erected, it shall be the
Authority to col-
lect &c.
duty of the toll collectors, and they are hereby required to
demand and receive for passing said gates, the tolls hereafter
mentioned; and they may stop any person riding, leading or
driving any horses, cattle, sulkey, chair, phaeton, cart,
chaise, wagon, sleigh, sled, or other carriage of burthen or
pleasure, from passing through the said gates, until they
shall respectively have paid for passing the same, that is to
Rate of tolls.
say; for every space of fourteen miles in length on said
road, the following sums of money, and so in proportion for
every greater or lesser distance; the rates of toll to be col-