hands for collection, as collector and administrator of said
Nathaniel Applegarth, in the same manner as he could have
done within the time prescribed for such collection by the
existing laws of this state.
CHAP. 84.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Samuel Pattison,
before he proceeds to execute the body or property of any
person or persons, for fines, forfeitures, amerciaments, offi-
cer's fees, or public dues, by the authority of this act, shall
deliver, or cause to be delivered, to such person, chargeable
with the same, at least thirty days previous to serving or
levying such execution, an amount of the sum demanded of
him, her or them, with an affidavit annexed thereto, that he
hath not, nor has any person, for his use, received any part
thereof, or satisfaction for the same, to the best of his
Required to deli-
ver accounts &c.
An act for the benefit of William Houch, of Baltimore
Passed Feb 13, 1832
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the commissioners of Baltimore county, be
and they are hereby authorised to appoint William Houch,
to complete the collection of Dennis Davis, one of the
collectors heretofore appointed as a collector of the coun-
Empowered to
ty and state taxes, for which he, the said Davis, was ap-
pointed: Provided, The said Houch shall give a notice of
at least thirty days, to the parly or parties appearing, to
stand indebted before said Houch, shall proceed to enfore
payment of any debts payable to him, as collector afore-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in all cases where the
party or parties alledges that they have paid the same, they
shall have the right to a hearing before some justice of the
peace of the county, who shall hear and decide on the equi-
ty and right of the matter, as in all other cases under civil
Rights of appeal.