CHAP. 85.
sonal property of said county, and plainly designate the
property which belongs to each election district, in pur-
suance to the act to which this is a further additional sup-
Compensation to
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall, in their discretion, allow the said assessors, a sum of
money not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars, to each
of them, to be levied in their behalf, as other county charges
Valuation of ne-
Sec. 5. A/id be it enacted , That the commissioners of the
tax shall apportion the valuation of negro property in the
same relative ratio as the valuation on land and other per-
sonal estate in said county.
Repealing clause.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That so much of the act to
which this is a further additional supplement; also, the act
of 1822, chapter 83, relative to the revaluation and reas-
sessment of the real and personal estate for Caroline county,
as is repugnant to, or inconsistent with the provisions of
this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed Feb. 10, 1832
An act to authorise Samuel Pattison, Collector and Admin-
istrator of Nathaniel Applegarth, deceased, late Sheriff
of Dorchester county, to complete his collections.
WHEREAS, Nathaniel Applegarth, late sheriff of Dor-
chester county, died during his term, and without having
completed his collections; And whereas, the orphan's court
of said county, hath duly appointed Samuel Pattison, who
was one of the securities of said Applegarth, collector and
administrator, to complete said Applegarth's collection,
agreeably to the acts of assembly in such cases made and
provided: And whereas, The said Samuel Pattison, hath not
been able to complete his collections within the time allow-
ed by the act of assembly, passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and twenty-four, chapter two hundred and
two;— Therefore,
Authorised to col-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Samuel Pattison, collector and administrator
of Nathaniel Applegarth, deceased, late sheriff of Dorches-
ter county, be, and he is hereby authorised and empowered
to collect, until the first day of March, one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-three, all fines, forfeitures, amerciaments,
officer's fees, or public dues, which were placed in his