CHAP 81.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the lands, tenements and hereditaments, leaser-
Rights vested.
hold interest or property, ground rents, real estate, and real
property, in possession, reversion or remainder, of Stephen
Raphel the elder, shall pass to Jane E. F. Raphel, his wi-
dow to be enjoyed and possessed by her, during her natural
life, in the manner and mode pointed out and directed by
the last will and testament of Stephen Raphel, the elder,
bearing date the sixth day of May, in the year one thousand
eight hundred and eleven, and that the said Jane E. F. Ra-
phel, shall have and enjoy all the powers relating to the
said property vested in her by the said last will and testa-
ment of Stephen Raphel, the elder; and that after the death
of the said Jane E. F. Raphel, the same shall pass to Ste-
phen J. Raphel, Stephanie Raphel, Alexes A. Raphel and
Henrietta C. White, formerly Henrietta C. Raphel, the chil-
dren, heirs and devisees of Stephen Raphel the elder, their
heirs, executors and administrators for ever, in such parts
and proportions as by the said will of Stephen Raphel the
elder, as directed and devised, each share or part to be ves-
ted in Stephen J. Raphel, Stephanie Raphel, Alexes A.
Raphel and Henrietta C. White, absolutely in fee simple
subject to no limitation or restriction, provided, however,
that nothing in this act contained shall be construed to
abridge or lessen any power or authority vested in Jane E.
F. Raphel, by the said last will and testament of Stephen
Raphel the elder.
Sale authorised.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Jane E. F, Ra-
phel, Stephen J. Raphel, Stephanie Raphel, Alexes A. Ra-
phel and Henrietta C. White, and Francis H. White, her
husband, and in case of the death of any of them, the sur-
vivor or survivors, together with the legal representative ot
the deceased, shall have full power and authority to make
sale and dispose of in any way they think proper, in fee
simple or otherwise, during the natural life of the said Jane
E. F. Raphel, of the property mentioned in the first sec-
tion of this law, belonging to Stephen Haphel the elder:
Provided, however, that the proceeds of the said sale or
disposition shall be used and enjoyed by said Jane E. F.
Raphel during her natural life, and apportioned and divi-
ded after the death of the said Jane E. T. Raphel, in the
same ways as the said property is hereby directed to pass, in
case no sale or other disposition of it should be made during
the life of the said Jane E. F. Raphel; Provided, however,
that this act shall not take effect unless the widow and all the
devisees and heirs now alive of the said Stephen Raphel,
shall express their consent to the provisions and settlement