stituted for any other prosecution now authorised, and pen-
alty provided by law to punish such offence or offender, on-
ly in case the said commissioners shall have approved the
issuing of such warrant as aforesaid, before the same was
CHAP. 79
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall take from the person or persons who may contract to
raise money as aforesaid, to the use of the State, by a scheme
or schemes of a lottery or lotteries, a bond or bonds, with
one or more sureties, in twice the sum of such scheme or
schemes, conditioned that the obligor shall and will pay any
and every prize that shall be drawn in such lottery or lotteries
as the same shall become payable, and be legally demended,
and every and any person or persons who may be legally
entitled to claim and receive the sum of any such prize or
prizes, the same being first demanded and unpaid, may pro-
secute in the name of the State, an action or actions, on
such bond or bonds, at the cost, and to the use of such per-
son or persons who shall recover thereon as fully as if the
said bond or bonds had been given to such person or persons,
and his or their executors, administrators or assigns; and
every bond taken as aforesaid shall be filed with, and re-
corded by the clerk of Baltimore county court, and a copy
of such record, under the seal of said court, shall be receiv-
ed as evidence in any action thereon, in any court of this
Contractors bond.
State; And it is hereby provided and declared, That this
State shall not be deemed or held in anywise liable for the
payment of any prize that may be drawn in any scheme of
any lottery which shall be contracted for as aforesaid, and
that the remedy of any and every person or persons, legal-
ly entitled to any such prize or prizes, shall be limited to
and exclusively against the obligors under the bond taken
by the commissioners to secure the payment of such prize
or prizes.
Suite not liable for
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the schemes of lotteries
for which any person or persons shall contract with the
commissioners as aforesaid, shall be drawn by said commis-
Commissioners todraw the lottery.
sioners; and the tickets therein shall be attested by the sig-
nature of one of them, before it shall be lawful for any per-
son or persons to sell the same, or any of said tickets; and
Sign tickets.
it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to sell any
of said tickets after the same shall have been so attested,
unless the person or persons selling such ticket or tickets
shall be licensed to sell lottery tickets within this State at
the place and time of making such sale.
Sale restricted.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That one at least of the said
commissioners shall reside in the city of Baltimore, and in
Commissioners re-