CHAP. 80.
lieu of the salary heretofore given to said commissioners,
the commissioner or commissioners residing in the said city
shall hereafter be entitled to receive at the rate of ten per
centum; and the said commissioners residing in the county at
the rate of seven and a half per centum each, upon the amount
raised by the lottery system; Provided, That the compensation
to the commissioner or commissioners residing in the said
city, shall, in no event, exceed the sum of two thousand dol-
lars each, in any one year; and the compensation to the com-
missioners residing in the county, in no event to exceed the
sum of fifteen hundred dollars each, in any one year.
Passed Feb1, 1832
An act to confirm the proceedings of certain commissioners,
and extend the time for making the roads therein mention-
ed, in Baltimore county.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly by
the petition of sundry citizens of Baltimore county, that a
certain William Houch, and others, were appointed com-
missioners to locate, lay out, and open a new road from a
point beginning at or near Coxes town, and running to Rock-
brook Mill, and thence to intersect the middle road, at or
near Michael Miller's, and that the said commissioners fail-
ed to make return of their proceedings in the premises to
the commissioners of Baltimore county within the time lim-
ited by law, And whereas, it is right that the said proceed-
ings should have effect and be acted upon by the commis-
sioners of Baltimore county as if returned within due time,
as aforesaid, and also all other proceedings of a similar na-
ture on roads within said county — Therefore,
Time and powers
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the proceedings of William Houch and others,
commissioners appointed to locate, lay out, and open the
road herein before mentioned, and any further or other pro-
ceedings of said commissioners that may hereafter take
place in respect of said road, may be returned and reported
to the commissioners of Baltimore county, at any time with-
in eight months from the time of the passage of this act, and
that the said return and report be received, determined and
decided, and in all respects acted upon by the said commis-
sioners of Baltimore county, to every effect, intent and pur-
pose as if the said proceedings had been returned within
the time limited by the Act of Assembly heretofore passed,