CHAP. 79,
of a lottery or lotteries, within the year, for which the said
license or licenses shall be granted, and which scheme or
schemes shall produce the sum of fifteen thousand dollars at
least, to the use of the State, within the said year, and ac-
crue to the said use, at a rate which the Said commissioners
may deem as favorable to the state as five per centum would
be on the amount of the tickets that the person or persons
who may be licensed as aforesaid, shall sell in the scheme
or schemes, that, for the purpose of raising the said sum of
money, or any further amount, to the use of the State, shall
have been formed by, or submmitted to, and approved of by
the said commissioners.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That the aforegoing provisions
of this act shall not be construed to modify any law of this
State, except in behalf of any person or persons who shall
have been licensed as hereinbefore provided, and be entitled
to the use of such license or licenses, and such other per-
son or persons as may rightfully claim and enjoy the privil-
eges conferred by such license or licenses, under an assign-
ment thereof, made with the knowledge and approbation of
the said commissioners; which said knowledge and approba-
tion are hereby made necessary as conditions precedent to the
validity of any and every such assignment; nor shall the said
provisions be construed to modify any law of this State in
behalf of any person or persons so licensed or entitled to the
use of such license, any further than the true intent, object,
and meaning of the license or licenses, that shall be granted
as aforesaid, should be rightfully deemed or considered as
necessarily modifying the same.
Penalty for of-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person shall
commit any offence, or cause any offence to be com-
mitted, that is created and forbidden by any law of this
State, having any reference to the lottery system thereof,
or that was passed for the purpose of establishing, modify-
ing, amending, or enforcing the same, or any part or pro-
vision thereof; any and every person so offending shall for-
feit and pay the sum of thirty dollars for each and every
such offence, one half to the use of the informer, the other
to the use of the State; to be recovered by warrant, before
a justice of the peace, in the same manner as small debts
are, or shall be recovered; Provided however, That before
any warrant shall be granted to enforce any such forfeiture
or payment, it shall be and hereby is made necessary, that
the lottery commissioners shall approve and request in wri-
ting, that such warrant may be issued; And provided also,
That the prosecution to be instituted, and the forfeiture,
and payment to be enforced by such warrant, shall be sub-