CHAP. 72.
and doubts have arisen whether the said real estate will de-
scend to the children of said Eliza Hopkins, for want of
heritable blood, and praying that an act may pass releasing
any right of the state to the said real estate, and the prayer
of the petitioner appears to be reasonable — Therefore,
Estate vested.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all right of escheat which belongs to the state of Maryland,
and all the right of the state or of any person or persons
hereafter claiming through the same by any act of Assembly
heretofore made, in and to all that part of a tract of land or
lot of ground, called Lot No. eleven in Braddock's square,
with the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in
the town of St. Michaels, in Talbot county, and which was
conveyed to Terence Doores of Talbot county, by Joseph
Hunt of said county, by a deed bearing date the fifteenth
day of December, eighteen hundred and twenty one, and in
and to all that tract or part of a tract of land called and
known by the name of " Three Necks," situate, lying and
being in Talbot county, and which was conveyed to the
said Terence Doores of Talbot county, by John Tilghman,
and Ann his wife, of Queen Anne's County and state of Ma-
ryland, by deed bearing date the fourth day of June, eigh-
teen hundred and twenty-three, be and the same is hereby
vested in, transferred and released to Elizabeth Dodson
Hopkins, Theodor Denny Hopkins, and Esther Maria Hop-
Passed Feb, 6, 1832
A supplement to an ad, entitled, An act to provide for electing
Commissioners for Allegany County, and prescribing their
powers and duties, passed December session, eighteen hun-
dred and twenty-nine, chapter twenty-five.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly,
that the act entitled An act to provide for electing commis-
sioners for Allegany county, and prescribing their powers
and duties, passed December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-nine, chapter twenty-five, did not make a seal neces-
sary, and it appearing just and proper that the commission-
ers should have a seal — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners elected under the act, be authorised and
hereby directed to cause to be made and use a corporate
seal, and may alter the same at their pleasure, as may be