tion of said court, to pay over and transfer any money or
property belonging to the estate of the said Joseph Fogle,
to any trustee that may now or hereafter be appointed by
the circuit court of Nelson county aforesaid, in the state of
CHAP. 71.
Kentucky, to receive the same; Provided, that the said
court of Frederick county sitting as aforesaid, shall be sat-
isfied that the trustee applying for any money or other pro-
perty by virtue of this act, has executed a bond to the state
of Kentucky, with security approved by the said court in
Kentucky, conditioned, as well for the faithful conveyance
ot such money or property, or the value thereof in money,
to the person or persons entitled to receive the same, as for
the performance of his trust in that state.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That any receipt for the pay-
ment of the money or transfer of the property aforesaid,
made by any trustee in pursuance of any order or decree in
the premises, made by Frederick county court, sitting as a
court of equity, which shall be acknowledged before any
justice of the peace for Frederick county, may be recorded
in the clerk's office of said county, and that a copy of such
receipt, acknowledged and recorded as aforesaid, duly at-
tested under the seal of the office in which the same shall
have been recorded, shall at all times hereafter be admitted
as evidence in any court of law or equity in this state, to
prove such payment or transfer.
Receipt— recorded
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the clerk of Frederick
county court, may ask, demand and receive such fee for re-
cording the same as is allowed by law in other cases of a
similar nature.
Clerk's fees,
An act for the benefit of Elizabeth Dodson Hopkins, Theo-
dore Denny Hopkins, and Hester Maria Hopkins, of Tal-
bot county, children of Eliza Hopkins of said county.
Passed Feb. 6, 1831
WHEREAS, Eliza Hopkins of Talbot county, by her pe-
tition in writing, hath set forth that a certain Terence Doores
of said county, by his last will and testament duly exe-
cuted and recorded, devised certain real estate to the said
Eliza Hopkins, by the name of Eliza Doores, alias Eliza
Dodson, during her life, and upon her death to Margaret
Ann Doores and William Doores, children of said Eliza Dod-
son, in fee; and did farther represent that the said Margaret
Ann Doores and William Terence Doores are since dead,
Right of escheat