der the hand of the president of said company, and their
common seal, to be filed in the clerks office aforesaid, a
resolution to make and form that part of the road so to be
relinquished, then upon payment to the levy court of Mont-
gomery county, of the value of all bridges and other works
belong to the same, now or hereafter to be formed and
erected before the said signification; then said company
shall be restored to all the rights granted by the original
act to which this is a supplement, and the supplement there-
to, passed at November session eighteen hundred and ten;
CHAP. 64.
Provided, the said road, so as aforesaid relinquished, shall
be completed within the term of five yeais, from and after
the passage of this act.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That at the first meeting of
said levy court, after said signification shall be made, they
shall appoint three persons residing in Montgomery county,
whose duty it shall be to ascertain and report the real value
of the bridges and other works formed upon that part of
the road to be relinquished as herein before said, and such
ascertainment shall he final between the said levy court and
the said company, which company shall thereupon pay to
said court the sum so ascertained.
Valuation directed
A further supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the de-
spatch of business in Baltimore County Court.
Passed Jan. 30, 1832
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the two terms of April and November in each
and every year, shall be held on the first Monday of said
month, and shall be called county terms, and be exclusively
set apart and appointed for the trials of causes and hearing
appeals, in which the defendants shall have been residents
of the county, without the limits of the city, at the time of
the institution of the suit or rendition of the judgment ap-
pealed from; and also, for the trial of all criminal cases
within the jurisdiction of the court, and for all such other
proceedings and business as are now authorised by law, to
be had and transacted at the county terms of Baltimore
Time prescribed
and Appropriated.
County terms.
county court, and the grand and petit jurors required to at-
tend said court during the said two terms, shall be summon-
ed from the county, without the limits of the city, and shall
be required to attend on the first Monday in the month of
each of the said terms.