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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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after viewing the advantages and disadvantages, shall pro-
ceed to value and assess, on oath, what damage may be
sustained, by any person whatever, by opening and extend-
ing said street, and shall also declare what sum of money
each individual or company benefitted thereby shall con-
tribute or pay, towards compensating those who are judged
to be injured by such opening and extension, as well as the
expenses of said opening, and the names of the persons and
the several sums of money which they shall respectively
be obliged to pay, shall be returned under the hands and
seals of the said commissioners, or a majority of them, to
the office of the register of the city of Baltimore, to be
filed and kept in his office, and the sums of money assessed
and charged to each individual or company benefitted as
aforesaid, shall be a lien on the property so charged; Pro-
vided, The said commissioners, on making such return, shall
give notice in two of the newspapers of the city of Balti-
more, to the persons interested, of their having made such
return, and of the privilege of appeal, as hereinafter pro-
vided for.

CHAP. 62.

Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That any person or persons,
who may be dissatisfied, with the assessment of damages
or benefits which shall be made by the said commissioners,
may, within twenty days after the first publication of the
notice required to be given in the preceding section, appeal
therefrom by petition in writing, to the judges of Baltimore
city court, and on any such appeal being made, the said
judges, or a majority of them, or the chief judge, if the
city court shall not be in session, may and shall appoint a
day for hearing the said appeal, which shall not be less than
five nor more than fifteen days after the expiration of the
twenty days limited for making appeals as aforesaid, and
shall direct the clerk of the said court to issue a subpoena
duces tecum, to the register of the city of Baltimore, requir-
ing him to produce and deliver to said court, the return
made to him by said commissioners, and all plats, documents,
books and papers, connected with said return; and the said
judges, or chief justice, or a majority of them, shall have
full power to meet at the time so appointed, and hear and
fully examine the subject and decide on the said appeals, and
for that purpose, they are hereby authorised and empower-
ed to adjourn, from time to time, and may cause all such ap-
peals to be consolidated, or try, hear and decide them sepa-
rately, and may require the said commissioners, their clerk,
surveyor or any of them, and all such other persons as they
shall deem necessary, to attend and examine them on oath
or affirmation, and may permit and require all such explana-

ings directed.

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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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