CHAP. 62.
fy to the treasurer of Baltimore county and to the Mayor
and Register of the city of Baltimore the number of days
which each of said judges shall have attended said court
during said quarter; and that so soon as the said Orphans
court shall have ascertained the proportions thereof charge-
able property to said county and city respectively, and shall
certify said ascertainment as required by the fifth section
of the act of assembly of December session of the year
eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, chapter one hundred
and sixty-seven, it shall be the duty of the treasurer of said
county, and of the mayor and register of said city respect-
ively, to pay each judge the amount due to him for attendance
as aforesaid, for the said quarter from the city and from the
county respectively.
Passed Feb. 17, 1832
An act to open and extend Pleasant Street, in the city of
WHEREAS, Sheppard C. Leakin, and others, by their
petition in writing, have set forth to this General Assembly,
that the public convenience and improvements of the city
of Baltimore, would be greatly promoted by opening and
extending Pleasant street, so as to intersect Hillen street: —
Commissioners to
open— vacancies.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the Mayor of the city of Baltimore, shall ap-
point five disinterested persons of experience, which said
five persons shall be, and they are hereby appointed, a
a board of commissioners, to open and extend Pleasant
street, from Holiday street to Jone's Falls, carrying its pre-
sent width, and giving it such a direction as to meet Hillen
street, in the manner best calculated to form a communica-
tion therewith, without regard to the direction of Pleasant
street, as laid down on a plat returned by the commission-
ers for laying down streets, lanes and alleys in the city of
Baltimore, and whenever a vacancy in said board of com-
missioners may occur, by resignation, death, refusal to act,
or otherwise, the said Mayor shall supply such vacancy by
a new appointment, and a majority of the said commission-
ers shall be competent to perform all the duties of said board.
Assets damages
and contributions
—returns thereof.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, after giving at least ten days
notice, in two of the newspapers of the city of Baltimore,