ty-two, such sum of money as the said commissioners may
deem sufficient to defray the expenses which have or may
be incurred by the attendance of Jurors summoned from
Baltimore county,without the limits of the city of Baltimore,
at Baltimore county court, during eighteen hundred and
thirty-two, and for the first term of said court in eighteen
hundred and thirty three.
CHAP. 61.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of said
commissioners to levy as aforesaid, in the year eighteen
hundred and thirty-three, a sum of money they may deem
necessary to defray the expenses for the attendance of jur-
ors as aforesaid, at the last term of Baltimore county court
in eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and also for the attend-
ance of jurrors as aforesaid at said court in eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-four.
For 1833-4.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said commissioners to levy as aforesaid in the year eighteen
hundred and thirty-four, and annually thereafter, such sum
of money as they may deem sufficient to pay the expenses
and charge which may be for the then succeeding year in-
curred by and on account of the attendance of jurors sum-
moned to Baltimore county court, from Baltimore county,
without the limits of the city of Baltimore.
Subsequent levies.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of Balti-
more county be and he is hereby authorised to pay to said
jurors the amount of their respective dues, on producing
certificates from the clerk of said court, setting forth the
said amounts due respectively, as aforesaid, for their attend-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said commissioners to cause to be levied at the time of mak-
ing the levy for the county charge in the year eighteen
hundred and thirty-two, the amount which said commission-
ers shall estimate will become payable to the judges of the
Orphans Court of Baltimore county, by and on the part of
Baltimore county, for the services of said judges during the
years eighteen hundred and thirty-two, and eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-three, beside the amount then to be levied
according to the law as now provided for and on account
of services of said judges; and at every annual levy thereaf-
ter, it shall be the duty of the said commissioners to cause
to be levied, the amount which they shall estimate will be-
come payable as aforesaid for the services aforesaid of said
judges for and during the then succeeding year.
Levy for expenses
of orphans court.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That at the end of each quarter
of every year from and after the passage of this act, it shall
be the duty of the register of wills of said county to certi-
Payment from
city and county