tinae therein, till such time as the visitors to be appointed
under this law, shall have qualified themselves to act under
it, and shall have appointed a warden to take charge of the
prisoners, and to enter upon the duties of his office, after
which, aod not before, the act, entitled, An act to appoint a
warden for the jail of Baltimore county, passed at Decem-
CHAP. 50.
ber session, eighteen hundred and twenty -six, chapter two
hundred and twenty-four, shall be and is hereby repealed.
Sec. 20 And be it enacted. That from and after the pas-
sage of this act, no person shall be imprisoned in the jail of
Baltimore city and county, under any process in any civil
case issued by a justice of the peace, or under any process
on any judgment of Baltimore county court on any appeal
or certiorari from a judgment or proceedings of a justice of
the peace, unless the person or persons in whose behalf such
process shall have issued, or some person for him or
them, shall at the time of commitment of the person subject
to the process aforesaid, pay to the warden of said jail, the
sum of one dollar and forty cents, for one week's main-
tenance of the person to be imprisoned as aforesaid; in de-
Payment in ad-
vance required for
fault of which payment, said warden shall refuse to re-
ceive such person; Provided, that the provision of this sec-
tion shall not be taken to apply to persons under
any criminal process, or under any commitment for any fine
imposed by any court or justice of the peace, or for any
breach of the peace, or for other criminal act or for viola-
tion of any penal law of the state, or of any penal ordinance
of the city of Baltimore.
Sec. 21. And be it enacted. That nothing herein contain-
ed shall be construed so as to prevent the legislature from
altering or repealing any of the provisions of this act.
An act to Incorporate the Baltimore and Wheeling Trans-
portation Company.
Passed Feb.17,1832
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Talbot Jones, Basil S. Elder, James P. Ers-
kine, William C. Shaw, and Joseph Taylor, be, and they
are hereby appointed commissioners, to receive subscrip-
tions to the capital stock of the Baltimore and Wheeling
Transportation Company, hereby incorporated, and they,
or a majority of them, may cause books to be opened at
such times and places as they may direct, for the purpose
Commissioners to-
open books.