be necessary to be employed by the said Warden, of whom
he shall have the appointment and removal, subject to the
approval of the board.
CHAP. 58.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted; That before the said warden
shall enter upon the duties of his said office, he shall give
bond to the state in the penalty of ten thousand dollars,
with at least two securities to be approved by the visitors,
conditioned for the faithful performance of his duty as war-
den, and for the safe keeping of all such persons as shall
be committed, by legal authority, to the jail of Baltimore
county, which bond shall be filed and recorded in Balti-
more city court, and an office copy under the seal of said
court, shall be as good and lawful evidence in the several
courts of the state, as the original bond would be if pro-
duced and proved; and the said warden shall also take and
subscribe an oath, or affirmation, that he will duly and faith-
fully execute the duties and trusts, and exercise the powers
committed to and vested in him as warden of the jail of
Baltimore city and county.
Wardens bond &
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That all commitments of pris-
oners to the jail of Baltimore county, whether on civil or
criminal process, shall be directed to the warden of
said jail, whose duty it shall be to receive the prisoners
from the officers having them in charge.
Receiving priso-
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the said warden be obliged
to conduct all prisoners in his custody, to and from the
courts, when the said courts shall direct him so to do.
Conduct prisoners
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the said warden shall
account with the visitors for all sums of money which he
may collect as jail fees for prisoners confined in the jail, or
from any other source connected with the institution
Warden to ac-
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the said visitors may at
their will and pleasure remove said warden from office, and
appoint another in his stead, and that they shall allow such
compensation to said warden and his assistants, as they may
think reasonable and proper.
Removal of war-
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the said visitors shall
keep regular books of accounts, in which the whole ex-
penses of the jail, whether for supplies, salaries of officers,
repairs, or incidentals, shall be distinctly stated, as also all
the receipts and expenditures upon the different dockets, in
such a manner, as that these accounts may shew what is
chargeable to Baltimore county, and what chargeable to
Baltimore city.
Visitors books &c.
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That all expenses attending
the repairs, alterations and improvements of the jail, and of
the property appertaining thereto, shall be paid for in equal
Assessment of re-
pairs &c.