CHAP. 58.
and persons on the bounds, with consent of such prisoners,
in such work and labor in and about the premises, as may
not be inconsistent with their safe keeping, according to the
tenor of their commitment; and the visitors shall keep an
account of the earnings of each person engaged in such
voluntary labor, and upon his or her discharge, he or she
shall be allowed two thirds of the net proceeds thereof, to
be ascertained by the said visitors. And all vagrants com-
mitted to the jail of Baltimore county, under the existing
laws of this state, free negroes or slaves who may be com-
mitted, shall be required to perform such work and labor
without their consent being thereto first had and obtained.
Oftener meeting
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
said visitors to choose annually at their first meeting in the
month of April or at some subsequent meeting, a President
and Secretary from among the members of the board; the
President shall preside at all meetings of the board; the se-
cretary shall keep the minutes of their proceedings; the
board shall meet on the first Tuesday of every month or at
such other times as they may direct; special meetings may
be called at any time by the President or any two members
on giving three days notice in writing to the members.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted., That the said visitors shall
appoint a fit person as Warden of the jail of Baltimore
city and county who shall take charge of the prison and
prisoners therein, and exercise, during his continuance in
office the same powers, and he subject to the same penalties
and forfeitures, and responsible for escapes, in the same
manner as the sheriffs of the respective counties are sub-
ject to in relation to prisoners committed to their custody,
and shall perform such other duties as may be required of
bim by said visitors.
Wardens fees-ap-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the Warden for the time
being shall be entitled to receive and collect in his own name,
but for the use of the visitors aforesaid, the same jail fees
as have heretofore been allowed by law to the sheriff of
Baltimore county, and ia case of any dispute between the
Warden and any prisoner, or the owner of any slave, or
master of any apprentice, who shall have been committed
to his custody, in relation to the amount of fees demanded
by the Warden from any prisoner, or owner of any slave,
or master of any apprentice as aforesaid, which shall be the
subject of a contest before a justice of the peace in Balti-
more city, either party against whom judgment shall be
given, may appeal to Baltimore city court, although the
amount in dispute shall be under twenty shillings.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the said visitors shall
prescribe the number and duties of the assistants who may