deed which may be executed as above in the first section of
this act, authorised for the purpose of releasing to the gran-
tees of said lot number two hundred and fifty eight, any
contingent interest to which his said ward may be entitled
in said lot by virtue of the will of the late colonel John E.
Howard; Provided, that the deed to the infant, John Eager
Howard, for the lot number two hundred and fifty six, shall
contain, by sufficient limitations, an assurance to the said
James Howard McHenry, of an interest in the last named
lot equal to that in his name as above released.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That all acts done by the guar-
dians above named, in pursuance of this act, shall be as valid,
and binding against their respective wards, and all claiming
under them, as if they had been done by the said John Ea-
ger Howard, junior, or James Howard McHenry after at-
taining to the age of twenty one years.
Guardians acts
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That Asahel Hussey, of the
city of Baltimore, so soon as he shall have become the own-
er of the lot number two hundred and fifty eight, above
named, may proceed to exercise the powers granted him by
the second section of the act to which this is a supplement,
so far as to close up, build upon, and hold, in fee simple, so
much of the alley therein referred to, as extends from Eu-
taw street westwardly to a point in the rear of said lot num-
ber two hundred and fifty eight, nine feet west of the east
Power of owner.
boundary line of said lot; Provided, that the said Asahel
Hussey, his heirs and assigns shall forever keep open a pub-
lic alley, sixteen feet wide, extending over said lot to Bal-
timore street from the alley above named, so that there
may be a thoroughfare from Paca street to Baltimore street
by the alleys referred to; And provided also, that nothing in
this act contained shall authorise the shutting up of the alley
above mentioned, unless the consent of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore be first obtained.
An act to revive and continue in full force, an act, entitled
An act to preserve the side walks in Union Town, Frederick
county, passed December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty, chapter two.
Passed Jan. 7, 1832
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland; That
the four first sections of an act, entitled, An act to preserve
the side walks in the village of Union Town, in Frederick
Sections revived