county, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty, chapter two, be and they are hereby revived and
declared to be in full force and operation.
Pasted Jan. 10, 1832
An act to confirm the proceedings of certain commissioners,
and extend the time for making a road in Baltimore coun-
WHEREAS Thomas Winwood, Jabez Murray and Tho-
mas E. Stockdale Commissioners appointed to locate, lay
out, and open a new road from a point in the Deer Park
road near to Welch's store, and running thence by J.
Shreev's mill to the Westminster turnpike road, failed to
make return of their proceedings in the premises to the
Commissioners of Baltimore county, within the time requir-
ed by Jaw: — And whereas it is right that the said proceedings
should have effect, and be acted upon by the Commissioners
of Baltimore county, as if returned within due time as
aforesaid: Therefore.
Proceedings to be
returned to county
commissioners, &c
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland; That
said proceedings and any further or other proceedings
of said Commissioners, that may hereafter take place in
respect of said road, may be returned and reported to
the Commissioners of Baltimore county at any time
within six months from the time of the passage of this Act;
and that said return and report be received, and determin-
And acted upon
by them.
ed, and decided, and in all respects acted upon by the said
Commissioners of Baltimore county, to every effect, intent
and purpose, as if said proceedings had been returned with-
in the time limited by the Acts of Assembly heretofore
passed, and in such cases made and provided. And that
said Commissioners and any of them appointed in respect
of said road, shall have the same powers and authority and
be subject to the same rules as to said return, as if by said
Acts of Assembly, the time for said return would not ex-
pire until the end of six months aforesaid, from and after
the passage of this Act.