thereof, or satisfaction for the same, to the best of his knowl-
edge and belief.
Passed Jan. 6, 1832
An act for the relief of William B. Burk, of the City of
Allowed insolvent
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners of insolvent debtors for the city and coun-
ty of Baltimore, be, and they are hereby authorised and em-
powered, to grant to William B. Burk, of the city of Balti-
more, the benefit of the several acts of assembly passed for
the relief of insolvent debtors; Provided, the said William
B Burk shall, in all respects, (except that of proving resi-
dence,) comply with the requisitions of said acts of assem-
bly, and that he satisfy the said commissioners that he did
not come into this State with the view of obtaining the ben-
efit of the insolvent laws.
Passed Jan. 6, 1832
A supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the benefit of
Asahel Hussey, and others.
Authority to con-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Cornelia Annabella Howard, guardian of John
Eager Howard, junior, an infant, be authorised in the name
and on the behalf of her said ward to make, execute, ac-
knowledge, and deliver, and cause to be recorded, in due
form of law, such deed or conveyance as may be necessary
to convey in fee simple a certain lot of land in the city of
Baltimore, belonging to her ward, and designated in the plat
of the late John Eager Howard's estate, which is filed in
the High Court of Chancery of Maryland, by the number
two hundred and fifty eight, in exchange for a fee simple
conditional, upon the same terms upon which he now holds
the said lot under the will of the late Colonel John Eager
Howard, in a lot designated on the said plat by the number
two hundred and fifty six.
Chas. Howard to
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That Charles Howard, guar-
dian of James Howard McHenry, an infant, be authorised,
in the name and on the behalf of his said ward, to join in any