CHAP. 54.
May purchase land
— assessment of the
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the president and mana-
gers of said company, may agree with the owners of land,
for the purchase of land required for said road, and also
for the purchase of stone, gravel, earth and sand for said
road, and in all cases where they are unable to agree .with
the owners, or the owner should be a feme covert, non
compos mentis, or under age, the said president may apply
to a justice of the peace for the county aforesaid, which
justice, shall thereupon issue his warrant to the sheriff of
said county, commanding him to summon twenty disinter-
ested persons, qualified to act as jurors in the county court,
to meet upon the land, and after four are stricken off the
pannel by the president or his agent, and four by the per-
son or persons interested, and in his, her or their absence or
refusal, by the sheriff, the said sheriff shall qualify the re-
maining twelve jurors, either by oath or affirmation, as the
case may be, justly, truly and impartially to value the da-
mages which may be sustained by the owner or owners of
such materials or land required by the said company, and
the said jurors shall, after valuing said damages, return
the same under their hands and seals to the clerk of Fre-
derick county court, to be by him recorded, and said da-
mages shall be paid by the company into the hands of the
sheriff of the said county, for the persons mentioned in said
return, respectively, before the said company shall proceed
to remove said materials, or use the said land for the said
road. The justice, sheriff and clerk, shall be entitled to
receive the same fees for services rendered under this act,
as they are allowed in similar cases, and the persons sum-
moned as jurors, shall each receive one dollar per day, dur-
ing their attendance, which fees and allowances shall be
paid by said company, and the said company or their agents,
shall have power to remove said materials across any land,
not in meadow or grain, upon paying a reasonable compen-
sation to the owner or owners, for any injury in damages,
to be ascertained by a jury as above, in case the same can-
not be obtained by agreement.
Dimensions &c.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the said company shall
cause the said road to be laid out and opened not less than
fifty feet wide, and shall cause eighteen feet thereof in
breadth, at least, to be made an artificial road, of stone or
gravel, upon the plan, style, depth and level of the road
leading from Frederick to the Monocacy bridge, on the
Georgetown road, as far as is consistent with the nature of
the ground, and shall, during the continuance of this incor-
poration, maintain and keep said road in good and perfect
order and repair.