of the United States, and in the event of those erections be-
ing completed, to recommend that the light vessel, station-
ed in Hooper's Straights, be transferred to some suitable
station, near the southern extremity of Tangier Island.
Further Resolved, That his excellency, the Governor, be
requested to communicate a dopy of the aforegoing pream-
ble and resolution, to each of the senators and representa-
tives of this state, in the Congress of the United States.
No. 7.
Passed Jan.24,1832
Resolution in favor of John I, Jacob, a revolutionary sol-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
treasurer of the western shore, be and he is hereby direct-
ed to pay to John I. Jacob, or order, the sum of twenty-
two dollars and twelve cents, it being the amount of com-
position money paid by him into the treasury upon certain
lands in Allegany county, which were represented to be
liable to escheat, but were afterwards found to have been
escheated and patented to a certain Edward Norwood.
No. 8.
Passed Jan. 24,1832
Report and Resolution authorising the Governor and Coun-
cil to settle the account of Joseph N. Lewis.
The committee on the Stale Library, in conjunction with
ft like committee on the part of the Senate, to which was
referred sundry proposals for supplies of stationery for the
use of the legislative and executive departments of the go-
vernment of this state, after having carefully examined the
several samples, and compared the terms of the different
proposals, determined to prefer the articles offered by Jo-
seph N. Lewis, of the city of Baltimore, at the prices an-
nexed, as follows, to wit: —
For Folio Post paper, best, per ream, at $7 50
Quarto, do do 3 60
Foolscap, do do 4 00
Demy, do do 9 00
Cartridge do do 4 50