Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the amount of the addi-
CHAP. 350,
tional shares of stock which shall be subscribed, and paid
What shall consti-
as authorised and provided by this act the amount of stock
tute the capital of
this Co. defined—
which shall be paid by the corporations owning the turnpike
as to ensure divi-
dends &c.
road, between the cities of Baltimore and Washington, con-
formably to their subscription, in virtue of the act to which
this is a supplement; the amount of distinct and seperate
stock when elected, and taken by the state of Maryland as
provided by this act, or the act to which this is a supple-
ment, and the amount of funds which shall have been furnish-
ed by the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road company to aid in
surveying and locating, and in effecting the construction and
completion of the rail road authorised by this act, and the
act to which it is a supplement, placing the cars and other
carriages and moving power on the said rail road, and pro-
viding stores and other buildings, scales, weights, and other
machinery and implements necessary to the beneficial use of
the said rail road, up to the time that the same shall be com-
pleted with two sets of tracks, fit for use by travel and trans-
portation, and the necessary cars, and moving power plac-
ed thereon shall, united, form the capital upon which the
net profits derived from the use of the said rail road shall be
apportioned, and the said net profits, reserving not more
than one per cent for contingencies, shall be divided, semi
annually in just proportions, and paid over to the state, and
the several corporations and individuals entitled thereto, and
once in three years the surplus profits shall be apportioned,
divided and paid over in like manner, and the amount of all
dividends which the Baltimore and Ohio rail road company
shall be entitled to, and receive out of the said net profits
shall form a part of the receipts and general funds of the
said company, and an item in estimating their semi annual
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the said company are here-
Remission to re-
by empowered to obtain by grant or purchase, land not ex-
ceive lands &c. for
ceeding ten acres, binding on the navigable water of the
eastern branch of the Potomac river, to be used as a depot,
and to extend the said rail road to such depot, and construct
thereon such warehouses, wharves and other improvements
as they may find to be necessary for the more beneficial use
of the said rail road, and the convenience of the public; and
the said company may in like manner obtain, improve, and
use any land not exceeding ten acres in any one place, as a
depot, in connection with the rail road which they are au-
thorised to lay out and construct in virtue of this act, and
the act to which this is a supplement.