CHAP. 330
Sec 7. And be it enacted, That the seventh section of the
act to which this is a supplement, be, and the same is here-
[See image for text]
by repealed.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the reconnoisances and
Surveys &c.
deemed a com-
surveys made by the said company as preliminary to the lo-
cation of the said rail road, shall be deemed and be consider-
ed a commencement of the said road, if they, shall proceed
to the actual construction thereof within one year from the
Time to cempleat.
passage of this act, and if the said company shall not com-
plete the said road with at least one set of tracks so as to be
used and travelled on from the commencement of it, as au-
thorised by this act, to the line of the District of Columbia,
within three years after the commencement of the actual
construction, the legislature hereby reserve the right to in-
Right resumed.
corporate another company, or to authorise any other per-
sons in their discretion to lay out and make a rail road on,
and over any ground, and in any direction between the city
of Baltimore and the District of Columbia, any thing in this
act, or in the act to which it is a supplement to the contrary
After right years
certain claims of
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That after the expiration of
holders of other
eight years from the time of declaring and paying the second
additional stock to
half yearly dividend of the net profits derived from the use
of the said rail road as authorised by this act, the right of
the holders of the additional shares of btock of the Baltimore
and Ohio rail road company subscribed in virtue of this act,
to receive any proportion or dividend of the said net pro-
fits, shall cease and determine, and their said proportion
shall be paid to the Baltimore and Ohio rail road company
as a part of their general funds; and the holders of the said
additional shares of stock, shall thereafter be entitled to re-
ceive the same dividends as, and in common with the other
stockholders of the said company and no other, and the
State right reserved
right and option is heieby reserved to the state of Mary-
land to hold forever, as a separate and distinct stock, its
proportion of interest in the said rail road or to take at any
time and thereafter hold the whole, or any part of such pro-
portion in the general stock of the Baltimore and Ohio
Option reserved.
rail road company, and receive the full proportion of divi-
dends thereon as other stockholders, and when the state
shall so elect to take and hold the general stock of the said
company for its whole proportion of interest in the said rail
road, the same option may be exercised by all the other
stockholders then holding a separate interest in the said
rail road in virtue of this act.