vacancy until the next annual election, and all elections re-
quired by this act to be made on a particular day, if not
made on that day may be made on any other day, after
thirty days notice of said day of election, in some news-
CHAP. 54.
paper in Frederick; and general meetings of the stock-
holders may be called by any number of stockholders not
less than twenty, nor holding less than one fourth of the
whole number of shares, to consider any general interest of
the company, and such general meeting, if representing
more than one half of the whole number of shares in said
company, shall have power to make, alter, or repeal, by
majority of votes, in manner aforesaid, all or any of the
by-laws, rules and regulations, of said managers.
Meetings of stock-
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That any four of the managers,
including, or without the president, shall constitute a board
Managers a quo-
and quorum, for the transaction of all kinds of business, and
shall be competent to appoint all such officers and servants
whatsoever, as they may deem necessary for the transaction
of the business of the company, to fix their compensations
May appoint offi-
cers, Sec.
and dismiss them at pleasure, to provide for requiring and
taking security, for the faithful performance of the duty of
any officer of the company; for making all contracts which
shall be necessary to effect the purposes contemplated by
this act, and for settling all the accounts of the company;
to provide for furnishing to the stockholders certificates or
other evidence of their right to stock, and for the transfer
of stock, and the evidence of such transfer, and to pass all
such by laws, as shall be proper or necessary for exercis-
ing all the powers, rights, and privileges vested in the com-
pany hereby incorporated, oi in the said managers, or for
the performance of the duties required of them by this act,
and the said by-laws, from time to time, to alter and repeal,
subject nevertheless, to the revision of the stockholders
at a general meeting, as herein before provided.
Sec, 8. And be it enacted, That the said company are
hereby invested with all the powers and rights necessary
to the construction of a turnpike road, from the termina-
tion of the middle pavement of Market street, where it is
intersected by Ffth street, in the city of Frederick, to the
site of the bridge at Monocacy aforesaid, and thence by
Walkersville, to the Northern extremity of Woodborough
aforesaid, along such route as they may find best suited for
Power of the com-
pany to construct
a Turnpike Road.
the purpose; Provided, That the said company may
use the bed of the road now leading from Frederick city
to and through Woodborough, or so much thereof as they
may find necessary, with the consent in writing of a ma-
jority of the levy court, at one of their meetings for pub-
lic business.