CHAP. 327.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Mary Willgon,
be and she is hereby entitled to the custody and guardian-
ship of her children without any molestation, let, hindrance,
interference or consent of her said husband, the said John
Not liable,
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said John Willson,
shall not be hereafter liable for any debts or contracts,
created or entered into by the said Mary Willson after the
passage of this act.
Passed Mar. 14,1832
An act to condemn and make Public a certain piece or lot of
ground therein mentioned.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly by
a number of the citizens of Baltimore, that great inconve-
nience is suffered by them in common with many others, in
consequence of their remoteness from any of the markets
in said city; And whereas, a lot of ground was laid off by
the commissioners, acting under authority of an act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, passed at December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and seventeen, entitled An act relat-
ing to the city of Baltimore, for a market house, at the in-
tersection of Howard, Richmond, Garden and Biddle
streets, which said lot of ground has never .been condemn-
ed for the said purpose, and the citizens of Baltimore
having applied to have the same condemned and made pub-
lic — Therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly oj Ma-
Appointed to open
ryland, That James W. Collins, James Dougherty, Tho-
mas Hazard, Frederick Seyler and James M'Henry, or a
majority of them, be, and they are hereby appointed a board
of commissioners to condemn and make public, a lot or lots
of ground, or so much thereof as may be deemed necessa-
ry at the intersection of Howard, Richmond, Garden and
Biddle streets, in the city of Baltimore, as laid down in a
plat returned by the commissioners, under an act of Assem-
bly, passed December session, eighteen hundred and seven-
teen, entitled An act relating to the city of Baltimore, and
which plat is now in possession of the mayor and city coun-
cil of Baltimore, and deposited in the office of the city
commissioners, in said city, and whenever a vacancy in said
board may occur, by the refusal to act, the resignation,
death, or other inability of any of the baid commissioners,