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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 452   View pdf image (33K)
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a lunatic by a jury of the county, and that the proceeds of

CHAP. 326.

the real estate which belonged to the said Ann at the time


of her marriage, are nearly to their whole amount, neces-


sary for the support of the said William in the hospital, in


the city of Baltimore, and that the said Ann, with three


children by the said William, is almost destitute of any


means for her own and their support; And whereas, she has


applied to the legislature for relief— Therefore,


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,

Authority to mort-

That Ann Kennard, of Queen Anne's county, be and she is


hereby authorised and empowered to mortgage the real


estate, to her belonging at the time of her intermarriage


with William Kennard, in the same manner as if the said


Ann were sole; Provided, That the sum charged upon the


said real estate shall not exceed seventy-five dollars per


annum; And provided also, That it shall not be lawful for


the mortgagee or mortgagees to proceed against the said real


estate, for the sum or sums by them advanced during the


life time of the said William Kennard.




An act for the relief of Mary Willson, of the city of Bal-

Passed Mar.14, 1832



Section 1 . Be it enacted by tJie General Assembly of Ma-


ryland, That Mary Willson of the city of Baltimore, be


and she is hereby divorced from bed and board ,and mutual


cohabitation with her husband John Willson.


Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all the right, title and

Claims annulled.

interest, to any property which the said John Willson, by


virtue of his marriage with the said Mary Willson, may


have acquired, or be vested with in any manner whatever,


be and the same is hereby annulled and made void, and that


the said Mary Willson, be and she is hereby declared capa-


ble in law, to have, hold, take, receive, sue for and recover


by compromise, in suit or suits at law or in equity, all such


property in as lull and ample a manner, as if she were a


feme sole, and had never been married, and to hold, use and


enjoy the same for her own use and benefit, and the same to


dispose of according to her will and pleasure, without the


molestation, interference, hindrance or consent of her said


husband, or from any other person claiming, by, from or

Feme Sole.

under him, the said John Willson, in the same manner she


could or might have done if she were a feme sole.


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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 452   View pdf image (33K)
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