AND WHEREAS, in case of the death of trustees of real
CHAP. 311.
estate, vested, in them in fee, much expense, and trouble,
and delay, are incurred in causp in equity, by the obliga-
tion now supposed to exist, of making numerous heirs of
Case of death of
Trustee, of real
such trustees, parties to such causes; — Therefore,
Sec. 11. Be, it enacted. That where a trustee in fee tail,
Descent of legal
or fee simple, of any lands, tenements or hereditamens, who
estate directed.
shall be seized of the naked legal estate therein, without
having or being entitled to any beneficial interest or estate
whatsoever, in said lands, tenements and hereditaments,
shall die, the said legal estate shall be deemed and taken
to have descended to such person or persons as would have
been the heir or heirs of such trustee, if the act entitled,
An act to direct descents, passed at November session, of
the year seventeen hundred and eighty six, chapter forty-
four; and the art entitled, An act to amend and reduce into
one system, the laws to dnect descents, parsed at Decem-
ber session, in the 3 ear eighteen hundred and twenty, chap-
ter one hundred and ninety-one, had not been passed.
Sec. 12. And be if enacted, That the couit of chancery,
Courts authorial
or county courts, sifting as courts of equity, shall have
to decree mortgage
of property of in-
full power, on application and proceeding, in behalf of any
fants, &c.
infant or infants, in manner as is prescribed by the acts of
December session, eighteen hundred and sixteen, chapter
one hundred and fifty-four, and of December session,
eighteen hundred and eighteen, chapter one hundred and
thirty three, and of December session, eighteen hundred
and eighteen, chapter one hundred and ninety-three, to or-
der and decree the conveyance by-way of mortgage of the
interest or estate or term of years of any infant or infants
in or of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, in such form,
and under such regulations and provisions as the said court or
courts shall direct, in all cases where it shall appear for the ad-
vantage of such infant or infants, to procure monies by such
mortgage, for the benefit of such real property or estate of
said infants, or to improve the same, or to relieve it from or
to effect the payment of any charges, or incumbrances, or
impositions or otherwise, for the benefit of such infant or
Sec. 13. And he it enacted, That in all cases under this
Case of defen-
act, where all or any of the parties, defendants shall be non-
dants being non
residents, the provisions hereof shall apply, and in regard
to such defendants non-residents, whether minors or of full
age, the said court of chancery, or county courts shall pro-
ceed as in any case of defendant residing out of the state is
now authorised by law, the said court, ordering notice by
Publication of no-
publication of the substance and object of the bill, petition
tice directed.