CHAP. 313.
or application in such way and for such periods as may be
judged proper; Provided, That no infant or infants shall be
deemed a defendant or defendants, within the meaning of
this section, in whose behalf an application shall be made
or proceeding instituted under, and by virtue of the acts re-
spectively in the last aforegoing sectibn mentioned.
Suit not to abate
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That no suit in equity shall
in case of marriage
abate by the marriage of any of the parties, but on appli-
cation of any of the parties, the court may on such terms
and notice as to it shall seem proper, allow and order any
amendment of the pleadings, and the making of any new
and additional parties, that such marriage may render pro-
Passed Mar. 14,183:
z An act to repeal an act, entitled An act to provide for the
more complete administration of Justice, in equity cases in
Allegany County.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the act of the General Assembly of Maryland, entitled An
act to provide for the more complete administration of jus-
tice in equity cases in Allegany county, passed at Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and thirty, chapter thirty,
shall be and is hereby repealed.
Passed Mar.14,1832
A supplement to the act passed at November Session, of the
year eighteen hundred and four, chapter fifty-five, entitled
An act to provide Jor the trial of facts in the several Coun-
ties of this State, and to alter, change and abolish, all
such parts of the Constitution and form of Government,
as relate to the General Court and Court of Appeals.
In case of new
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in any suit or action, in any county court of this state now
pending, or which may hereafter arise where a new trial
has been or may be ordered, it shall and may be lawful for
either party to make suggestion, as required by the second
section of the act to which this is a supplement, and it shall
thereupon be the duty of the county court, in which such