CHAP. 311.
age, shall have any interest or estate, or benefit, jointly, or
in common, or otherwise, concurrently in or out of any
lands, tepements or hereditaments.
Provisions of 12th
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the provisions of the
and 13th sections
of 1813, ch. 193
twelfth and thirteenth sections of the act of December ses-
sion, of the year eighteen hunched and eighteen, chapter
one hundred and ninety three, shall be deemed and taken to
extend to minors residing out of this state, to, in, or by,
Whom any lands, tenements, hereditaments, or personal es-
tate, shall accrue, vest, or claimable, by descent, devise,
bequest, deed, gift, purchase or otherwise.
Explanatory of
13th Sec. of 1816,
ch. 154.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, (there being doubts as to the
true import of the provision) That the thirteenth section of
the act, passed at December session, of the year eighteen
hundred and sixteen, chapter one hundred and fifty-four,
shall be deemed and taken, to mean that the chancellor, or
the county courts shall, and may exercise all the powers in
said act conferred, and provided in all cases where an in-
fant or infants are, or shall be seized of a reversion, or a
remainder so as to authorise a decree for the sale of such
remainder or reversion, and so as to authorise a decree for
the sale of the estate, and interest of the tenant of the par-
ticular estate, or of the holders of the prior remainders
where the assent of such holders or tenants shall be given,
and the estate or interest in remainder, or reversion afore-
said, of such infant or infants in which case the said chancel-
for or county courts shall adjudge such part of the proceeds
of the sale to be paid, or the annual interest of the proceeds
to be secured and paid to such tenant or holders as shall be
judged equitable by the chancellor or county courts, and in
manner and for periods as shall be detei mined most proper.
Preamble relative
AND WHEREAS, the act of November session,
to Sec. 2, of 1797,
ch. 114.
of the year seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, chapter
one hundred and fourteen, section second, provision is made
for the appearance in the cases therein mentioned, of the
person or persons who would have been the sole heir, or
only heirs in the case, the act to direct descents had not
been made, and no provision exists for the event of such
sole hen, or only hens, or any of them, residing out of this
state: — Therefore,
Authority to or-
Sec. 10. Be it enacted, That in case of such non-resi-
der notice by pub-
dence, the chancellor or county court may, as to the said
non resident, defendant or defendants, order notice to be
given by publication in manner and under the same limita-
tions as in said section is prescribed as to the ether heirs
in that section mentioned, and to have the like effect and