interest of such infant or infants, shall be deemed and taken
CHAP. 311.
to be subject to the operation of said acts, in the same man-
ner, and to the same effect as lapels or tenements, in the ac-
tual seized, or possession of such infant or infants.
Sec. 4. Aind be it enacted, That where the person, or
Case of infants-
persons required to assent as aforesaid, shall be an infant or
or refusal, &c-
infants, or being of full age, shall refuse such assent or shall
not appear to have given it, such person or persons being
made defendant or defendants, the chancellor, or court,
shall on consideration of the pleadings and evidence in the
case, determine and accordingly decree, whether a demise
Courts empowered
as aforesaid shall be made, which demise decreed and made
to decree.
in manner as is herein before specified and provided, shall
avail as if said infant or infants were of full age, and had as-
sented as aforesaid, or as if the person or persons aforesaid
of full age had assented.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the chancellor or county
court aforesaid, shall have the same authority to decree a
Case of person
praying shall be of
demise or demises under the rules and regulations as afore-
lull age.
said, where the tenant of the particular estate for life or for
years, or for other estate, shall be of full age, and shall pray
for such decree; and all the provisions above enacted in re-
spect to the necessity and capacity, and competency of as-
Power to decree.
sent, and the cases where the person or persons to assent
shall be infants, or where the person, or persons of full age
shall refuse to assent, or shall not appear to have assented,
shall apply to the case of said tenant of full age.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the said acts passed at
Provisions of sun-
December session, of the year eighteen hundred and sixteen,
dry acts extended.
chapter one hundred and fifty-four, and at December ses-
sion, of the year eighteen hundred and eighteen, chapter
one hundred and ninety-three, and the second section of the
act, passed at December session, of the year eighteen hun-
dred and nineteen, chapter one hundred and forty-tour, and
all the provisions of this act, shall be deemed and taken to
extend to all cases where two or more infants, or where they,
or any of them shall be non residents of this state, shall be
jointly, or in common, or otherwise concurrently seized, or
possessed of any lands, tenements, hereditaments or per-
sonal estate, or of any joint estate, or any estate in common
Sec. 7. And be it enacted. That the provisions of the
Provisions of 12th
twelfth section of the act, passed at December session, of
section of 1785, ch.
78 extended.
the year seventeen hundred and eighty-five, chapter seven
ty-tvvo, so far as they concern and confer the powers of the
court of chancery to decree a sale, be and they are hereby
extended to cases where two or more persons all of full